We use Royal Mail to ship all your lovely orders from the UK, please see below for estimated delivery times:
UK - 1-3 working days after dispatch
International - 7- 10 working days after dispatch
If your order has not arrived 5 days after estimated please get in contact with us through our contact page or instagram (@forensicsandflowers) and we will see what we can do.
If you wish to order 25+ of one product please contact us through the contact page, we will be happy to look into a discounted wholesale rate.
We are always open to collaborating with companies and other creatives. If you would like to enquire about working with us then please drop an email to forensicsandflowers@outlook.com or get in contact via our contact page or socials.
Forensics and flowers bloomed (see what we did there?) from an addiction to flowers and true crime. Although we have now expanded our product range, our roots will always be within the true crime community.